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Learn more about Novina


At Novina Medical Clinics (Gabinety Medyczne Novina), you can treat: sports injuries, overload states, chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Special services are also targeted towards seniors and pregnant women (urogynecologic and osteopathic visits). Patients have at their disposal the following physicians: orthopedists, rheumatologist and endocrinologist who performs ultrasonography, as well as a dermatologist, diabetologist, cardiologist, psychiatrist, nephrologist and a neurologist. Younger patients can be also treated by a pediatric physiotherapist, pediatric hematologist and oncologist. Those who care about healthy nutrition will receive advice from a nutritionist, there is also a psychologist who offers his support. We also have a branch called ‘NOVINA BEAUTY’, which is all about broadly understood aesthetic physiotherapy.

At Novina Medical Clinics you can also perform blood, urine and feces tests as well as cultures and swabs.

Starting its operations over 16 years ago, Novina Medical Clinics met the growing needs in the field of comprehensive physiotherapy. The facilities are well-established on the Greater Poland market. With the development and growing demand for areas related to physiotherapy, a vision was born to expand the business to include medical services, as well as services in the field of osteopathy, urogynecology, dietetics, psychology and podology. Currently, the facility has numerous offices, modern equipment and an exercise room. Our experienced team invariably guarantees the selection of the right form of highly effective therapy.

Novina Medical Clinics remain open to new opportunities for cooperation and are working towards continuous improvement of the staff and expansion of the offer, so that patients are provided a convenient setting to win back not just their health but also their smile.

With our Patients in mind, the Novina Medical Clinics facility has been equipped with an elevator and is fully adapted to the needs of people using wheelchairs, rollator walkers or who have difficulties in walking.

If you are looking for effective rehabilitation – come visit us
and start your recovery today!


If you are interested in our offer, please look at our price list HERE.


Gabinety Medyczne Novina
Nowina Street 12A
60-589 Poznań, Poland
tel: +48 61 841 11 00
mobile phone: +48 665 505 606